Murder, deception, payback! A Hateful Chill lingers over a cold body discovered in a morning mist. Forty-eight hours after the homeless victim is found by the dumpster driver in the east-end alley, the Appellate Court parking garage awakens to a double homicide. This fast paced novella stymies the detective on the case, who finds himself caught up in the drug...

Harmonicas, a kingdom in a far off galaxy is under seige by evil Queen Zeolan. Princess Alanna is forced to flee deep into the planet's magical forest, where desperate to protect her home, she propels an owl named Twig across the universe in search of help. Landing on earth in a magical pit globe that travels through time and space....

Poor Man's Justice, for all it reveals, is not about guilt or innocence. It questions the lack of intergrity in a plea process that led to the dehumanization of a father, during and after his incarceration. This true life drama exposes the purposeful infusion of degradation as it exists in our justice system today. When punishing issues of law-and-order gain...